Friday, May 13, 2011


Life has been chaotic around here. Samuel is getting busier and busier...and making some fun new faces:

Doug is training his replacements at work-which is more work for him, as well as covering whatever shift can't be covered. And we're moving. AGAIN. The owners are increasing the rent for these apartments, so we're moving in with my aunt. We feel very blessed, as we'll end up paying less in rent and can therefore work less and consequently spend more time support raising.

I hate moving though, it's so much work, and since Doug has been working so much, I've been doing most of it by myself. Thankfully, Samuel thinks it's wonderful to have lots of boxes around:

Mother's day was special, we had some fun times with Doug's mom and his grandparents. Here is our latest family picture, taken that day:

Thanks to those of you who pray for us. We have to be out of our apartment by the end of May, and Doug's schedule is only going to get worse before then, as most of his office staff will be out in the next couple of weeks. He is also having to move his business by the end of the month, so needless to say we are stressed and feeling overwhelmed. Your prayers mean so much to us.

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