Sunday, June 3, 2012

Welcome to Germany

"Ama?" "Ama!" Samuel's head pops up next to my bed. I reach over and hug him and he lays his head on me for a second. He doesn't usually stop to snuggle, so that was a present for me. Then he's off again.
It's 9 something AM, and Samuel has just slept from about 9PM - 9AM, his first time sleeping through the night since we've been in Germany. Hurray! Praise God!
We've been in Germany 1 week and 1 day now, and what a week it has been. All of us have been sick, and I still am. Samuel has definitely regressed some, melting down often and being fussy and cranky and not listening. Doug has been congested and tired, but he's been amazing, doing a great job of taking care of both Sam and me.  The missionaries here have been so supportive and encouraging, it's been such a blessing to get to know our team here. Currently, we're staying in a Cadence hospitality house near Ramstein, but we'll be moving to a hospitality house in Baumholder on Wednesday.
I've been able to use my German a lot already, a significant amount of it being on the phone calling about places to rent. There doesn't seem like there are a lot of options, mostly because of the size of Baumholder and the tiny German towns around it. We looked at 2 houses yesterday, one was definitely a no-go and the other one a possibility. We're looking at another one on Monday.
Our first priority has been to get a military I.D. card. We can't really do anything until that happens. Officially renting a house, driving a Cadence vehicle, getting a P.O. Box, getting on base and shopping on base-just to mention a few things- all require an I.D. card. Getting a cell phone, etc. requires a bank, which we can't get until we have an address..... We've done what we need to to make that happen, it's just a waiting game now; it's hard to be patient when we are so limited without it.
I'm 33 weeks along now, and have my first OB appt. here on Tuesday. I've been told they do ultrasounds every visit, so I'm excited about that. Medical care is much cheaper here then it is in the U.S. I may also have a sinus infection. =(

Doug has met the youth group in Baumholder already as well as the chaplain he'll be working for. The chaplain is super supportive and has a big heart for his people. We are very blessed to have a guy like him at 'our' base.

That's probably enough for now. Thanks for all your prayers, please keep it up! We are so thankful to have such a big prayer support behind us. 

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